
Upgrading from 2.0.x to 2.1.0

MMM 2.1.0 is backwards compatible with MMM 2.0.x, so a monitoring host running version 2.1.0 can talk to agents running 2.0.x and the other way around.

Upgrading the monitoring host

  1. Stop mmmd_mon (if you have multiple clusters running, be sure to stop all instances of mmmd_mon):
    /etc/init.d/mysql-mmm-monitor stop
  2. When using the .debs edit /etc/default/mysql-mmm-monitor and set ENABLED to 0
  3. Install the new version of MMM.
  4. mmmd_mon was renamed to mmm_mond. So you can delete the old binary:
    rm -f /usr/sbin/mmmd_mon
  5. If you have multiple clusters running, recreate your init-scripts for these by cloning /etc/init.d/mysql-mmm-monitor and adjusting the variable CLUSTER
  6. (Optional) Edit mmm_mon.conf and change status_path from /var/lib/misc/mmmd_mon.status to /var/lib/misc/mmm_mond.status - afterwards copy the existing status file to its new location:
    cp /var/lib/misc/mmmd_mon.status /var/lib/misc/mmm_mond.status
  7. Edit mmm_mon.conf and change pid_path from /var/run/mmmd_mon.pid to /var/run/mmm_mond.pid
  8. The helper binaries have been moved so edit mmm_*.conf and change bin_path from /usr/bin/mysql-mmm.html to /usr/lib/mysql-mmm.html - then delete the old binaries:
    rm -rf /usr/bin/mysql-mmm
  9. When using the .debs edit /etc/default/mysql-mmm-monitor and set ENABLED to 1
  10. Start mmm_mond (if you use more than one cluster, don't forget to start them too):
    /etc/init.d/mysql-mmm-monitor start

Upgrading agent hosts

  1. Stop mmmd_agent:
    /etc/init.d/mysql-mmm-agent stop
  2. When using the .debs edit /etc/default/mysql-mmm-agent and set ENABLED to 0
  3. Install the new version of MMM.
  4. mmmd_agent was renamed to mmm_agentd. So you can delete the old binary:
    rm -f /usr/sbin/mmmd_agent
  5. The helper binaries have been moved so edit mmm_*.conf and change bin_path from /usr/bin/mysql-mmm.html to /usr/lib/mysql-mmm.html - then delete the old binaries:
    rm -rf /usr/bin/mysql-mmm
  6. Edit mmm_*.conf and change pid_path in the <host> sections from /var/run/mmmd_agent.pid to /var/run/mmm_agentd.pid
  7. When using the .debs edit /etc/default/mysql-mmm-agent and set ENABLED to 1
  8. Start mmm_agentd:
    /etc/init.d/mysql-mmm-agent start
mmm2/upgrade.txt · Last modified: 2010-02-25 12:10 by Pascal Hofmann
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