MMM 1.x


MMM (MySQL Master-Master Replication Manager) is set of flexible scripts to perform monitoring and management of MySQL Masrter-Master replication cluster configurations.


Generally, MMM offers MySQL monitoring and automatic failover for master-master pairs, it also has scripts for data backups, resynchronization between nodes etc.

In two node master-master setup, MMM uses five IPs: single permanent IP for each node that is never changed, 2 _reader_ IPs (read-only) and 1 _writer_ IP (updates). Last three IPs are migrating between the nodes depending on node availability.

Normally (no replication failures, no replication delay etc) active master has 2 IPs (reader and writer), standby master - 1 IP (reader). In case of a failure, both - writer and reader roles migrate to the working node.

Documentation for MMM 1.*

mmm1/start.txt · Last modified: 2009-06-11 16:16 by Pascal Hofmann
CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

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